Floridians Reject Trump Tax Scam and Demand Fair Tax Code to Fund Essential Services
Today, over 20 organizations from across the state released a letter to Congress urging members to reject the extension of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), widely seen as a giveaway to billionaires and large corporations at the expense of working families and seniors.
People’s Budget Florida Highlight Legislature’s Proposed List of Corporate Giveaways
The People’s Budget Florida, a project of Florida For All Education Fund and coalition partners, has released their annual mid-session report, titled “The Cost of Corporate Giveaways.” The report details a long list of corporate giveaways up for consideration during the 60-day legislative session, scheduled to conclude March 8th.
On tax day, progressive advocates call for corporate accountability in Tallahassee
April 15 having fallen over the weekend, Tuesday officially was designated as Tax Day, when individual income tax returns are due with the federal government. To mark the occasion, Florida progressives held a news conference to blast Florida’s tax system, in which the overwhelming majority of corporations pay absolutely no income taxes.
Can We Finally Stop Corporate Tax Giveaways on Tax Day?
It’s Tax Day and hardworking Floridians will pay a disproportionate amount in taxes while corporations and billionaires continue to not pay the taxes they owe – due to the legislature’s billions in corporate tax giveaways and refusal to close corporate tax loopholes.
Florida For All exposes Legislature’s list of corporate giveaways
While everyday Floridians would directly benefit from a people-centered budget and policies that puts our tax dollars towards critical community needs, legislative leaders continue pushing their corporate agenda with tax giveaways that would cost Floridians approximately $17.8 billion over the next five years.
19 Democratic Lawmakers Request Corporate Income Tax & Transparency Data from Department of Revenue
Representative Anna V. Eskamani (D-Orlando) alongside 18 lawmakers sent a letter to the Executive Director of the Florida Department of Revenue (DOR) requesting information relating to the state’s corporate income tax collections.
Florida For All presents “People’s Budget” ahead of Legislative Session
A progressive coalition of organizations called Florida For All held a “People’s Press Conference” today, bringing forth concerns about unions, education, and the upcoming state legislative session starting tomorrow. Ruth Moreno is the Deputy Director for Florida For All, and challenged the Governor directly.
Floridians Want Lawmakers to End Culture Wars, Focus On ‘People’s Budget’
Florida’s legislative session – which begins Tuesday – has already made headlines as a conservative majority pitches bills to expand gun rights, ban diversity programs, make it easier to sue the news media, and further restrict abortions.
Floridian Leaders and Advocates to Demand Lawmakers Enact a “People’s Budget,” Put People First in Upcoming Legislative Session
Floridian leaders statewide and advocates will hold a virtual press event the day before Tuesday’s opening of the 2023 Florida Legislative Session.
2022 Florida Department Of Revenue Data On Online Sales Tax Corporate Giveaway
This is in response to your request for reemployment tax information dated August 1, 2022.
The Department of Revenue’s (Department) responses to your questions are enclosed using the form and format you requested. Each year of data is based on taxable years ending within the calendar year unless otherwise noted.