Rep. Angie Nixon Releases Data on Corporate Income Taxes, Calls for Transparency
In mid-March of this year, Representative Angie Nixon (D-Jacksonville) sent a letter to the Executive Director of the Florida Department of Revenue (DOR) requesting information relating to the state’s corporate income tax collections.
2022 Florida Department Of Revenue Data
Each year of data is based on taxable years ending within the calendar year unless otherwise noted.
Although you requested 2021 data, the data for all taxable years that end within the 2021 calendar year is not complete and therefore is not provided in this letter.
2022 Cost of Corporate Tax Giveaways Report
Here are 15 special-interest tax breaks being considered by the Florida Legislature. Together,
these tax breaks would cost Floridians more than $4.8 billion over the next five years.
2022 Florida Department Of Revenue Data Request Letter
On behalf of my office please find our request for important data regarding the state’s corporate income tax below.
Corporate income-tax raise should be only the beginning
Good news: Florida’s corporate income tax (CIT) rate has returned to 5.5 percent. This is the level it was at for 35 years before state lawmakers temporarily reduce it in 2018.
In Response to Gov. DeSantis Budget Announcement, Floridians Call for a ‘People’s Budget’ with Investment in Housing, Education and Healthcare
Governor Desantis’s proposed budget fails to guarantee freedom to working Floridians. Earlier this year, more than 11,300 Floridians from across the political spectrum participated in The People’s Budget Challenge.
On Tax Day 2021, ‘People’s Budget’ calls for tax reform to help struggling Floridians
A progressive coalition of workers, retirees, unions, social-service advocates, small business owners, and policy experts issued reports condemning tax policies that they say are hard on working-class Floridians and the poor.
Point Of View: Pass A “People’s Budget” For A Healthy Florida
As lawmakers in Tallahassee finalize the Florida budget, I hope they take a sober look back over this past year while the COVID-19 healthcare crisis raged through the state, tragically highlighting many of the shortcomings of our healthcare system.
2021 Florida Department Of Revenue Data
The numbers below are based on filers of all Florida corporate income/franchise tax returns. Each year of data is based on taxable years ending within the calendar year.
2021 Corporate Greed Report
In a period of one month in March of 2021, more than 11,300 Floridians from across the political spectrum spent more than 1,300 hours weighing in with their spending priorities for the state budget and how we should pay for them.